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Computer Programming

2024: Meet the Future of AI
 Generative AI & Democracy

19 June 2023 | 14:30 - 18:00 CET | Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT), Bld du Roi Albert II 35, 1030 Bruxelles



In an era where technology is reshaping our societal landscape, understanding the implications of AI on democratic processes is paramount. Generative AI (GenAI), a subset of artificial intelligence that aims to create new content, poses both promises and perils for democratic processes around the world. 

This event builds upon the success of last years conference and focuses on relevant issues and challenges around generative AI for the public good and democracy. We cordially invite you to attend this half-day conference co-organised by the Horizon Europe projects vera-ai, AI4TRUST, TITAN, AI-CODE and the H2020 project AI4Media, which develop novel AI techniques to counter online disinformation, particularly in light of the recent advances in generative AI.

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The initiatives below are our sister projects as they are based in the same unit at the European Commission (DG CNECT).

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TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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