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Anchor 1: Use Case 1

What is disinformation?

Disinformation is information that is purposely manipulated to be distorted and not represent an accurate situation or reporting of a fact. There are three main categories of dis-information.


Hoaxes are a form of disinformation that tricks people into believeing something is true when its not. They can be found in many forms online but most commonly include: > Fake news, which are fabricated stories designed to manipulate readers into certain fears or behaviours > Viral messages, often pretending to be from a friend of family member asking for money > Deep fakes, where videos of peoples faces or bodies are manipulated to make it look like they hae said or done something they haven't


Svindel involverer at narre folk til at dele personlige oplysninger om sig selv, som den kriminelle kan udnytte til personlig vinding. Svindel omfatter: > Falsk reklame - hvor folk køber produkter og tjenester, der ikke findes eller ikke er som beskrevet > Phishing - når folk modtager e-mails, som de tror er fra troværdige organisationer, der beder om noget, normalt kreditkortoplysninger, som endda kan strække sig til afpresning > Catfishing - når nogen udgiver sig for at være en anden person for at lure folk til at gøre tanker > Identitetstyveri - hvor folk bliver narret til at dele personlige oplysninger for at hjælpe dem med at hacke andre konti

Online udfordringer

Online udfordringer er sociale medieaktiviteter, der normalt involverer deling af en video af dig selv, der udfører en bestemt opgave. Nogle er ægte og sjove for at skabe opmærksomhed om gode formål, men andre kan indeholde farlige stunts, der kan forårsage fysisk eller psykisk skade på en person eller andre. .

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TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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