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Business Plan
Collection of Trophies

TITAN was developed specifically to respond to the European Commission's call for proposals for A HUMAN-CENTRED AND ETHICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01). Our project objectives centre around the use of AI to counter disinformation to: 

Objective 01

Apply a human-centered and ethical approach to the development of TITAN AI technology 

Inclusion of citizen communities from different geographical and cultural origins, including the citizen communities involved in the pilots, on a human-centric approach to trustworthy AI.

Build upon the European human-centric approach to Trustworthy AI.

Objective 03

Implementing the TITAN Citizen Intelligent Coaching Ecosystem Services and Ecosystem Sustainable Platform

Implement the TITAN cloud-based AI/ML services which personalise the citizen’s coaching for (1) conducting own investigations or in collaboration with others while advancing critical thinking skills, (2) being protected from becoming an unintentional propagator of false info, as well as the development of (3) the citizen-oriented services which support the operation and sustainability of the TITAN Ecosystem platform.

Objective 05

Confirm relevance to real-world applications - piloting and evaluation 

Pilot the TITAN AI ecosystem extensively in a variety of real-world cases engaging citizen communities highly concerned about the effects of disinformation.

Evaluate and measure tangible short- and mid-term impacts while ensuring sustainability and replicability of the TITAN citizen-centred AI ecosystem.

Objective 02

Derive the Socio-Technical Methodological Framework for Personalised Citizen Coaching

Determine the socio-technical methodological considerations which enable the TITAN personalised citizen coaching.

Derive AI models that implement the above socio-technical methodological together with the appropriate AI/ML methods to implement the above models.

Objective 04

Create Benchmark Datasets for the Training of TITAN AI/ML Algorithms

Create all the benchmark data sets based on privacy-preserving co-creation methods, focusing on minimising human curation during co-creation. Utilise these benchmark datasets to adapt/enhance/train the TITAN AI algorithms of OB3. Publish datasets to stimulate further research.

Objective 06

Create Impact and sustainable value for the TITAN results

Foster impact & sustainable value of TITAN AI ecosystem. Manage, monitor and measure tangible short-term impacts while ensuring long-term sustainability and replicability of TITAN citizen-centered AI ecosystem. Identify key policy recommendations for potential adopters and influencers.

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Cluster Projects


TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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