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Navigating the Complexities of European Ethical AI Regulation

Writer's picture: TITANTITAN

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an essential innovation technology giving businesses and organisations new opportunities to compete in the digital services market. Research and innovation projects like TITAN who leverage this new technology to create new innovative tools to solve societal challenges, such as the problem around online disinformation, are helping to set a new paradigm in service delivery, creating intelligent solutions that are personalised, seamless and citizen driven.

Despite the promise of multiple benefits, AI also poses some risks to users related to privacy, ethics and legal compliance. In fact, as the technology becomes more pervasive, users are becoming more award of the potential challenges. It is necessary therefore for TITAN to understand the AI regulation landscape in Europe to ensure compliance with the law, to drive innovation and gain a competitive advantage in the market by building trust with potential new adopters.

Elements of the AI regulation landscape being considered by TITAN include:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The GDPR is a comprehensive data protection law that applies to all EU member states. It includes elements related to AI, including the right to explanation of automated decision-making and the right to object to certain automated decisions.

  • EU High-Level Expert Group on AI (HLEG): The HLEG was established in 2018 to provide recommendations in ethical AI. Their guidelines for trustworthy AI include principles such as human agency and oversights, privacy and data governance, transparency and diversity, non-discrimination and fairness.

  • European Commission White Paper on AI: In 2020, the European Commission published a White Paper in AI that proposed a regulatory frameworks for AI. The framework includes a risk-based approach to regulating AI, transparency requirements and a focus on protecting fundamental rights.

  • Digital Services Act (DSA): The DSA came into force in November 2022 and is an EU law to regulate digital services including those that use AI, to create new opportunities to provide digital services across borders, and ensure protection to end-users. It includes provisions related to transparency and accountability for algorithmic decision-making systems.

  • Digital Markets Act (DMA): The DMA aims to create a safer digital spaces, and fair business environments for both users and businesses. Applicable from May 2023 AI businesses will need to ensure they comply with the new rules.

  • Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA): The AIA is a proposed EU law that would regulate the development and use of AI in the EU. It includes sections related to transparency, data governance and risk management.

  • Gaia-X: Gaia-X is a European initiative to develop a secure and decentralised EU data infrastructure. While its is not specifically focused on AI regulation, it does have implications for the development and deployment if AI in Europe around the areas of data availability, data sovereignty and interoperability.

Overall, much of the EU legislation around ethical AI is focused on promoting trustworthy technology that respects fundamental rights and values. This regulation and guidance will help TITAN emphasise transparency, accountability and human oversight in the development and use of its conversational agent, and in turn TITAN will provide new insights and recomendations from its piloting back to the policy makers..

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TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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