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The A to Z of Disinformation

Writer's picture: TITANTITAN

We set ourselves a challenge today to see if we could come up with an A to Z of Disinformation. Here is our result...

  • A is for Amplification: the process of promoting disinformation to increase its reach and impact.

  • B is for Bot networks: automated accounts or "bots" that spread disinformation on social media platforms.

  • C is for Conspiracy theories: false narratives that attribute an event or situation to a secret, often nefarious, plot.

  • D is for Deepfakes: manipulated videos or images that present false information as real.

  • E is for Echo chambers: online environments where people are exposed only to information that confirms their existing beliefs and biases.

  • F - False flag attacks: intentional acts carried out to deceive others into believing that someone else is responsible.

  • G is for Gaslighting: a tactic that involves denying or distorting reality in order to make someone doubt their own perceptions.

  • H is for Hoaxes: deliberately fabricated stories or events that are spread as if they are true.

  • I - Impersonation: pretending to be someone else online in order to spread disinformation or deceive others.

  • J - Junk science: the use of flawed or unscientific research to support a false claim.

  • K - Kompromat: the use of compromising information to blackmail or manipulate someone.

  • L is for Lying: deliberately making false statements in order to mislead others.

  • M is for Misleading statistics: using statistics in a misleading way to support a false claim.

  • N is for Newspeak: the use of language to manipulate or control how people think or feel about a particular issue.

  • O is for Obfuscation: the deliberate use of complexity or ambiguity to conceal the truth or confuse others.

  • P is for Propaganda: information, often biased or misleading, that is used to promote a particular ideology or agenda.

  • Q is for Quoting out of context: selectively quoting someone in a way that changes or distorts their intended meaning.

  • R is for Rumours: unverified information that is spread widely, often via social media, without being confirmed.

  • S is for Straw man arguments: misrepresenting someone else's position in order to make it easier to attack or refute.

  • T is for Trolling: intentionally posting provocative or offensive content in order to provoke a reaction or stir up controversy.

  • U is for Undermining: using disinformation to weaken trust in institutions, individuals, or organizations.

  • V is for Viral deception: disinformation that spreads rapidly across the internet through social media and other online platforms.

  • W is for Weaponising: using disinformation to harm or attack individuals or groups.

  • X is for Xenophobia: the promotion of fear or hatred towards people from other countries or cultures.

  • Y is for Yellow journalism: sensational or biased reporting that is often based on rumours or incomplete information.

  • Z is for Zero-sum framing: framing issues in a way that suggests that there is only one winner and one loser, rather than exploring potential areas of compromise or cooperation.

Surprisingly, and dare we say sadly, the task was not as difficult as we first thought, though the term 'yellow journalism' was a new one for some.

We are in the process of creating a shared glossary for discussing disinformation. If you have any terms/language that you believe must be included, please reach out using the contact form on our website


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TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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