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White Papers

1 / Generative AI and Disinformation: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities (Project Cluster)

Journal Papers 

1 / Meson and Mesotes: Plotinian and Aristotelian Perspectives on the Soul's Inner Privacy and Virtue Ethics (Platonism and its Heritage (co-edited Volume, London, Promethus Trust, 2024)

2 / The European union: assessing global leadership through actorness in artificial intelligence. (Journal of European Integration 2024)
3 / Mapping Automatic Social Media Information Disorder: The Role of Bots and AI in Spreading Misleading Information in Society (PLOS ONE Research Article 2024)

Conference Papers

1 / To believe or not to believe? Investigating factors that play a role in audiences’ critical thinking process when evaluating the trustworthiness of online news and information. (IAMCR Conference 2023
2 / AI to Fight Disinformation: a Living Lab Approach (Open Living Lans Conference 2023)
3 / VivesDebate-Speech: A Corpus of Spoken Argumentation to Leverage Audio Features for Argument Mining (EMNLP Conference 2023)
4 / Privacy and Data Protection in the Era of Recommendation Systems: A Postphenomenological Approach (LRIP Advances in ICT 2023)
5 / Detecting Argumentative Fallacies in the Wild: Problems and Limitations of Large Language Models (10th Workshop on Argument Mining 2023)
6 / Automatic Debate Evaluation with Argumentation Semantics and Natural Language Argument Graph Networks (EMNLP 2023)
7 / Socratic AI Against Disinformation: Improving Critical Thinking to Recognize Disinformation Using Socratic AI (ACM IMX 2024)
8 / FORECAST2023: A Forecast and Reasoning Corpus of Argumentation Structures (LREC-COLING 2024)
9 / Learning Strategies for Robust Argument Mining: An Analysis of Variations in Language and Domain (LREC-COLING 2024)
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Cluster Projects


TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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