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Solution Elements

An ecosystem platform for tackling disinformation


Disinformation Signals

Disinformation signals are indicators that suggest information may be intentionally misleading, manipulated, or false. Common signals include emotionally charged language, sensationalist headlines, lack of credible sources, or content that encourages division or anger. These signals are often used to exploit biases, provoke reactions, or influence public perception, making it essential to critically assess and verify information sources.


Propagation Impact Assessment

Our Propagation Impact Assessment evaluates how far and wide disinformation can spread within a network or audience, as well as its potential effects. This process involves analysing the channels through which false information circulates, as well as the demographic and psychological factors that may amplify its impact. By assessing propagation, organisations can understand the scale of influence and identify vulnerable groups, aiding in the development of targeted interventions to mitigate harmful effects.


Socratic Chatbot with Dialogues

Our Socratic Chatbot engages users through open-ended questions and dialogues, encouraging critical thinking and self-reflection rather than providing direct answers. By prompting users to explore their reasoning, evaluate assumptions, and consider multiple perspectives, our Chatbot facilitates deeper learning and problem-solving. Through dialogue, it guides users to arrive at their own conclusions, fostering interactive and thought-provoking experience.



Micro-lessons are delivered within chatbot dialogues, and provide insights to help users recognise and counter disnformation. These bite-sized lessons cover topics like understanding confirmation bias, or spotting manipulated images. Through interactive questions and examples, the chatbot engages users in real-time, building their critical skills step-by-step. Each micro-lesson is designed to be brief yet impactful, giving users practical knowledge that’s easy to  apply in their daily digital interactions.

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TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.


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