TITAN Coordinator
The TITAN consortium is led by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa (ENG) the largest IT group in Italy with a successful track record in innovating and taking products to market. Engineering sets the strategic direction of TITAN to drive the overall innovation process, as ell as leading on the technical innovation work building upon their deep AI and machine learning expertise.

Rest of the TITAN Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
The TITAN consortium is designed to cover all elements of the disinformation value chain from end users to researchers and solution providers.

Systems Integrator
Athens Technology Center (ATC)
ATC leads the Socio-Technical Methodological Framework for Personalised Citizen Coaching focussing on user needs and architecture of the Ecosystem. They also take on the role of Exploitation Lead ensuring the technical products are built in a market-ready manner

Algorithm Research
Research Centre NCSR-Demokritos (NCSR) which has the largest AI Lab in Greece, dedicates its resources towards researching and developing trustworthy algorithms and datasets for the coaching tools.

Artificial Intelligence
SwarmCheck (SWC), a Social Enterprise in Poland contributes by developing conceptual and technological modules that utilise computer assisted argumentation, and collective argument mapping components for TITAN’s innovative argument technologies.

Natural Language Processing
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) bring their natural language processing expertise to the table to undertake research whose outputs will further expand the functionalities of the coaching tools

Specialist Communications
A UK based digital transformation SME working at the intersection of users and technology with public sector partners across the globe helps package project outputs and ensure they are communicated and disseminated to key audiences via appropriate channel

Migrant Perception
Universita Telematica Internazionle UNINETTUNO
Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (UNINET) is participating with experts from its Psychology department who have been working on cognitive and psychological dimensions affected by disinformation and with its R&I department on co-design.

Responsible Co-creation
Fonden Teknologiradet
The Danish Board of Technology (DBT), renowned for its public engagement and responsible research and innovation, coordinates the co-creation work within the pilot ensuring TITAN ’s research and innovation is set to adopt a human-centred approach to deliver value

AI Ethics & Disinformation
Institute of Philosophy and Technology
The Institutes (IPT) researchers conduct philosophical research in AI ethics and disinformation and help implement the Socratic method to empower citizens against fake news. They also take an active role in the education, training, and engagement of citizens.

Media, Digitization & Democracy
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) use their expertise on media, digitisation, and democracy to conduct baseline research on socio-political drivers and legal and ethical requirements of use of AI-based Citizen Intelligent Coaching. They also help assess and validate impact.

Argument Technology
University of Dundee
The University of Dundee (UNIVDUN) and its world-leading Centre for Argument Technology research (ARG-tech) supports argument technology standards to help build trustworthy logic inquiring tools and services.

Pilot Coordinator
Vlaamse Radio-en-Televisieomroeporganisatie
Coordinating the use case driven pilots is Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (VRT) a public service media organisation in Belgium. Its multidisciplinary innovation team has engagement reach across the whole of Europe.

Citizen Activists
Center for the Study of Democract
The interdisciplinary research-oriented think-tank (CSD) with regional focus on South Eastern Europe and Western Balkan countries manages the SELDI network - a coalition of 40+ NGOs from 14 countries, dealing with good governance and anti-corruption, incl. disinformation and propaganda

Social Science
The Artevelde University of Applied Sciences in Ghent trains professionals whose creativity, innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit enable them to push back frontiers. The Artevelde team not only lead a use case but are also developing a multifacted methodology to assess TITAN's overall impact.